Sunday, October 29, 2023

Neko Kawaigari: A race to links of many types


In a world like ours, It is extremely unfortunate that games like Neko Kawaigari are doomed to eventually fade to time and become lost mumbles between few. However, in light of this, I have began to chase down not only the files in the game, but links, websites, and shops hosting the game in both Japanese and English.

Today I am posting as I managed to pull all the music files from the game. I will be naming them and posting them on my YT, TealAubrey. Along with that, I have decided I should share my many websites I have trudged through in hopes of finding a pdf of the doujin WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD and possibly full art versions of the cast (which i really really want without having to fuck around with image editors).

Links and their purposes

As Neko Kawaigari fades into obscurity, and much to my happiness, I have found many websites hosting media about Neko Kawaigari.

I should note that, if you are not japanese and instead have the most american grasp of the internet, some websites ask if you're 18. You're going to want to click the red button or the one that reads "はい".

The game itself

Amazon // Surugu-ya // WAWW surugu-ya //

Other Media over the game

Call card 1 (Nsfw) // Call card 2 // Umi-Nami disc // Fan media prints //Website on the game 1 (NSFW) // text WAWW // Neko Kawaigari series! // Neko Kawaigari book //

Fans of Neko Kawaigari

Post of NK on blog 1 // Buhitter // NKOTD // NK blog 2 // Yahoo NK post //


I think this game is amazing and everyone should play it.