Thursday, September 21, 2023

A foreward from the creator


Aubrey: Who is she?

Hi. I am Aubrey. I am 16 years old. And I am the moderator of this blog. 

For context about me, I am the artist behind TealAubrey/TealBrey-omo. I am also the artist behind WingMations. I draw a lot. 

I am very interested in music, video games, and sleeping.

I like OMORI and I love Neko Kawaigari.

I am very mentally ill. I have ADHD and anxiety, and likely depression. I tend to play video games to let myself ignore my feelings


What is this blog about?

Neko Kawaigari and OMORI!

Okay but to be entirely serious, this is called "Nekokawaigari" in the domain because I saw an opportunity! I would name it Teal Aubrey, but I just... dont really care to name it that. I already have my tumblr. maybe i'll name it that later.

This blog will focus around my theories and opinions of my favorite games, books, and other media, with Neko Kawaigari being also posted informatively on here with intent of making a semi-formal informational place to read about the whole story, excluding explicit talk of explicit scenes.

Some games that may be discussed here are as follows: OMORI, Neko Kawaigari, FAITH, MOTHER/EarthBound, UNDERTALE/deltarune, DanganRonpa (another), Splatoon, Celeste, Suikoden, and a few more.

Outside of my opinions and ideas, I may post quite a bit here about 10 runes/Wish's final stand, my own project. I may also post about other, not as big projects like Abditory, and NK: Dreams come true!.

Is there other places I can see you?

Check out my Website!

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